How Mortgage Problems Grow Fast

During the long life of their mortgage, many people experience times when they face significant financial challenges. One or more challenges can increase your risk of foreclosure by simultaneously jeopardizing your ability to do the following:.

Homeowners may be surprised when their ability to pay their mortgage is threatened at the same time as their ability to remedy the situation by refinancing their mortgage or selling their home. This happens more than most people anticipate for several reasons including:

Things that can simultaneously jeopardize your capacity to pay your mortgage on time and your ability to qualify to refinance your mortgage include:

Things that can simultaneously jeopardize your ability to qualify to refinance your mortgage and sell your home by putting your mortgage underwater so that you owe more on your mortgage than your home is worth include:

Things that can simultaneously jeopardize your ability to pay your mortgage on time, qualify for a refinance of your mortgage, and sell your home include:

Some combinations of financial challenges may seem overwhelming. However, you can significantly reduce your exposure to mortgage risk by making conservative, smart mortgage decisions from the beginning.